In page view, you will see the address bar (including Send to My Flow and overflow menu
buttons), the web page, and FAB.
Address bar
The address bar contains the page’s web address. Tapping on the address bar will allow you to type in a new search.
Send the web page to My Flow with the button in the address bar.
Tap the button in the address bar for access to New tab, Find in Page, Site options, Desktop Site, Private Mode, Tabs, Settings and Help.
FAB in page view on Android
The Fast Action Button while browsing a web page will allow you to:
reload the page
close the page
start a new search
open a new tab
send the current page to My Flow
The tabs menu will show your three recent tabs and the Tabs page button.
Use your Android phone’s back button to return to the previous web page.
Opening a tab’s context menu
Tapping and holding a hyperlink – for example, a news article headline – will reveal the tab context menu where you can perform additional actions.
Open in new tab will open a new page in the foreground. Your current page will remain as an open tab. Simply pressing a link while browsing will navigate you away from the current page.
Open in new background tab will open the link in a new tab but you will stay on your current page.
Open in private tab will open the link in private browsing mode.
Copy link address will copy the page’s web address to your device’s clipboard so you can paste it elsewhere, such as an SMS or another messenger.
Share link will open a menu of device-enabled options to share the web address.
Open, save, and search images
Long tapping on an image will open the tab context menu and will include three additional options: Open Image, Save Image, or Search Google for This Image.
Open Image will open the image in your current tab.
Save Image will open your device’s download manager so you can save the image to your phone.
Search Google for This Image will use the selected image as a search query in Google. Websites which use this image will be presented in your results. Google may also present images visually similar to the one you have selected.
Request desktop version of a website
To request the desktop version of a website, while browsing, tapand tap the Desktop site slider. Now, all websites in this tab will be viewed in their desktop site version.
Find text in page
To search for text in a web page, while in page view, tap themenu and tap Find in page. Type your text. Results for your text will be highlighted in the page, and you can cycle through instances with the up and down arrows.
Tap the x button to close text search.