Search results: block cookies

Web preferences

Block third-party cookies – Blocks cookies set by other websites whose content is displayed in frames or images on the current website you are visiting. Blocking third-party cookies will allow only the cookies for the site you are visiting to be set on your system.


If you block ads, web pages will load faster and look cleaner. By blocking ads with Opera’s built-in ad blocker, you also block the source of many tracking cookies. The ad blocker also stops cryptocurrency mining scripts.


If you are switching from another browser and are now using Opera, you can import browsing data, including history, bookmarks, cookies, and more, from another browser. 

Security and privacy

To enhance your privacy with regard to websites, making it more difficult for them to track you, you need a combination of features. The issue is cookies. Even if you disguise your location, websites can still identify you if they have set a cookie. Notice, however, that by blocking ads you block the source of many tracking cookie.…