OfA 47 sync explanation for social login users

If you have created your sync account by signing in via Google, Facebook, Twitter or VK to Opera for Android and would like to sync your data with Opera for computers, you need to add a password to your account.


  1. Go to sync.opera.com and log in using the same social media account
  2. Under Password, tap on Change Password. You will be redirected to the “Create Password” screen
  3. Here, enter a password and tap the Change Password button
  4. Log in to Opera for computers by using same username and password
  5. In Opera for Android, tap the Opera O > Settings, where you will see the error message “Incorrect password”
  6. Tap on this to be redirected to the sign in screen
  7. Log in to Opera for Android by using the same password, and tap “Sign in”
  8. Now, you should have your data synchronized between Opera for computers and Opera for Android


Make sure to review that all content types you want to sync are enabled.