Opera browser AI – Aria FAQ

About Aria

What is Aria?

Aria is a browser AI built on Opera’s AI engine, based on several Large Language Models (LLMs) (e.g. Generative Pre-trained Transformer built by OpenAI or Google). It uses a large language model to understand a user’s question, process it, and then respond using natural language. It helps users by providing information, reworking text-based content, generating ideas, creating images, and assisting with various tasks.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to a set of technologies that enable computers and machines to perform advanced, human-like processes, such as analyzing and learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI systems can be designed to perform a vast array of different tasks, such as understanding and generating text, images and videos, speech recognition, driving cars, playing games, etc.

What is a Large Language Model?

A Large Language Model (LLM) is a technology designed to receive questions and provide responses using natural language (which means it can process and generate text). LLMs are trained on a large quantity of publicly available sources such as articles, websites, and books in order to understand and emulate human language. When given an input or prompt, the AI uses the knowledge it has acquired to formulate a response that emulates natural language.

How to Use Aria

What can I do with the browser AI in Opera?

Aria supports and enhances your online experience. You can use Aria to:

  • Find information on the web by asking questions in simple, everyday language. Aria compiles information from multiple online sources to provide answers.
  • Assist with writing various types of text, such as emails, tweets, or social media posts, in any style you specify (e.g., formal, informal, humorous).
  • Summarize or shorten web content.
  • Generate ideas, find synonyms and analogies, or refine your own concepts.
  • Generate images using text prompts.
  • Understand and respond to questions about uploaded images.
  • Get cooking & recipes information, including links and suggestions.
  • Get product information and online shopping suggestions.
  • Organize your tabs.

Some examples of useful questions to ask:

  • Can you compare the most popular travel destinations? ✅
  • What are all the steps required to plan a trip to Sweden? ✅
  • Can you show me an easy and fast recipe for making pizza? ✅
  • What can I cook with 100g of spaghetti and 2 potatoes? ✅
  • How much is 6 feet in meters? ✅
  • Can you recommend a rom-com to watch with kids? ✅
  • Plan a fun workout routine for a lazy person. ✅
  • Generate an image of a cat wearing sunglasses. ✅
  • What is in this picture? (*upload an image*) ✅

How do I start using Aria in Opera?

You can chat with Aria for free, even without an Opera Account. For a better experience, you can also create a free Opera Account any time and sign in, which will allow you to:

  • View and manage your Aria chat history
  • Generate more images with Aria (up to 30 per day)
  • Perform AI Benchmark tests on your device

Opera for Android

In Opera for Android, tap the Aria browser AI in the main menu and you will be taken to the chat.

Opera for iPhone

In Opera for iPhone, tap the Aria in the main menu and you will be taken to the chat.

Opera Browser for desktop

In Opera Browser on the desktop, click the Aria browser AI icon in the sidebar on the left, and the chat will be displayed.

How do I create a new chat?

If you have an open chat and you want to create a new one, you can click the plus icon on the top bar of the chat dialog.

If I create a new chat, will my previous conversation be lost?

No, previous conversations in Aria are saved for 30 days or until you delete them. When you start a new chat, the previous conversation is added to the chat list. You can access the chat list:

  • In Opera for Android by tapping the chat bubbles icon at the top of the chat dialog.
  • In Opera Browser for desktop by clicking the menu icon in the top bar.

How long are my old chats saved for?

Chats are saved for 30 days, but you can also delete chats manually.

Can I continue the conversation in an old chat?

Yes, you can reopen an old chat and continue the conversation unless you have deleted the chat manually.

How do I delete a chat?

Opera for Android:

To delete the current conversation, open the “…” menu in the top right corner and tap “delete”. Alternatively, go to the chat list by tapping the chat bubbles icon on the top bar of the chat. There you can either delete them one at a time by swiping, or you can select multiple chats (through a long press on the first item) and delete them all at once by clicking the bin icon. If you want to delete all your conversations, you can tap the bin icon without first selecting a chat. If you want to delete all your conversations and user data, you can clear the data in Settings > Privacy & security > Clear data.

Opera Browser for desktop:

To delete a single conversation, go to the chat list by clicking the menu icon (icon depicting sidebar) on the top bar of the chat. There you can delete them one at a time by hovering on a single chat and clicking the trash can icon, then confirming the action. If you want to delete all your conversations, click the menu button. There you will see the history of your chats, and can delete all of them by clicking the Delete all button. This action will also need your confirmation.

Opera for iPhone:

To delete a chat you need to be signed in, if you are, go to the chat list by tapping the list icon in the top bar of the chat (icon: “iii” vertically). There you can either delete them one at a time by swiping, or you can select multiple chats (through a long press on the first item) and delete them all at once by clicking the bin icon. If you want to delete all your conversations, you can tap the bin icon without first selecting a chat.

Can I restore a chat that I’ve deleted?

No, it is not possible to restore a chat that has been deleted.

How do I customize Aria’s settings?

Opera for Android:

To customize Aria, go to Settings > Aria. There you can choose to enable or disable various Aria access points as well as other settings.

Opera for iPhone:

To customize Aria, go to Settings > Aria Browser AI. There you can choose to enable or disable the Menu shortcut.

Opera Browser for desktop:

Open the Sidebar setup panel by clicking the three-dot icon at the bottom of the sidebar. There you can choose to hide or display Aria.

Command Line

How do I open Aria’s command line in Opera Browser for desktop?

You can open Aria’s command line by pressing Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/.
In some cases – and depending on your keyboard layout – the Aria Command Line can vary due to different positioning of the forward-slash ( / ) character, for example, in the Nordics it is ctrl/cmd + shift + 7.

What can I do with the command line?

The command line lets you ask questions and get instant answers from Aria without leaving the page you’re on.

By clicking the TAB-key on the keyboard you can toggle between different types of interaction with Aria; page context mode is available.

Can I have a more in-depth conversation with Aria?

Yes, you can easily move your query to a full sidebar chat with Aria by clicking on the “Continue in chat” button.

Page Context Mode

What is Page Context Mode?

Page Context Mode allows you to ask Aria about the content of the webpage you’re currently on.

How do I activate Page Context Mode?

To activate Page Context Mode, press Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/ to open the command line, then press the TAB key. Alternatively, you can select one of the arrows that are displayed on the left and right sides.

How do I return to normal mode from Page Context Mode?

To switch back to normal mode from Page Context Mode, press TAB key again on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can select one of the arrows that are displayed on the left and right sides.

What tasks can I perform with Page Context Mode?

Page Context Mode helps you summarize the text of a page, extract specific information, and translate foreign language texts, for example.

Can Aria provide recommendations based on my needs?

Yes, you can ask Aria for recommendations based on your prompt and the webpage you are viewing.

Is Page Context Mode available for all websites?

Page Context Mode is still in an experimental phase and may not be available for all websites.

When using Page Context Mode, are Aria’s responses saved in the regular chat history?

No, when answering a question in Page Context Mode, Aria’s responses are not saved in your regular Aria chat.

Should I be careful adding personal information in Page Context Mode?

When you use Page Context Mode, the data can be processed like any other input to Aria. Therefore, we do not recommend using Page Context Mode on banking or payment provider sites, medical platforms, or other sensitive account websites.

Is Page Context Mode available when using a private browsing window?

No, Page Context Mode does not work when using private mode.

Image Generation

What is image generation?

Aria can generate images using text prompts. You can use this feature for various purposes, such as creating social media content, prototyping ideas, or simply for fun.

How do I use image generation?

Simply type a text saying that you want an image and the description of the image you want in the Aria chat, and the AI will generate it for you.

How many images can I generate?

Without an Opera account, you can generate up to 5 images per day. With an Opera account, you can generate up to 30 images per day for free.

Is image generation available when using a private browsing window?

Yes, image generation is available when using a private browsing window.

Image Understanding

What is Image Understanding?

Image Understanding allows you to upload images to Aria and ask questions about them. You can upload images from your device or when on a phone, use your camera.

How do I use Image Understanding?

To use Image Understanding:

  • Open the Aria chat.
  • Click the “+” sign to the left of the chat input field.
  • Upload an image or take a picture by accessing your camera.
  • Alternatively, you can tap the camera icon to the right of the chat input field to take a photo (Opera for Android and Opera for IOS).
  • Ask your questions about the image in the chat.

Is image understanding available when using a private browsing window?

Yes, image understanding is available when using a private browsing window.

Are uploaded images shared with anyone?

Your images are sent with prompts to AI models, anonymized and forgotten by the models.

Can uploaded images be used for training AI models?

No, none of your data is used to train AI models.

AI Prompts via context menu

You can use AI prompts (Translate, Ask Aria) directly via the context menu by right-clicking on a selected text.

Prompt studio (Opera One and GX only)

You can use Prompt Studio by opening the three-dots menu at the bottom of Aria-chat -> compose.


You can have Aria read the answer out loud by clicking on the speaker icon that appears to the top right corner of the answer when you hover over it.


There is “summarize chat” feature which you can trigger by clicking on the “+” button to the right of the chat box and then selecting ‘summarize chat’.

Writing Mode (available only for Opera Developer)

What is Writing Mode?

The Writing Mode allows you to ask Aria for help as you work on your text in input fields.

How do I activate Writing Mode?

To activate Writing Mode:

  • Press Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/ to open the command line, then press the TAB key (twice). You can also select one of the arrows that are displayed on the left and right sides.
  • Alternatively, within a text area, you can highlight text and then choose the AI Writing Mode from the context menu.
  • You can also start typing in the input field and hit the Aria icon that appears.

How do I return to normal mode from Writing Mode?

To switch back to normal mode from Writing Mode:

  • Press the TAB key again on your keyboard. You can also select one of the arrows that are displayed on the left and right sides.
  • Alternatively, within the text area, you can highlight text and then choose the AI Writing Mode from the context menu.

What tasks can I perform with Writing Mode?

Writing Mode helps you refine your text by checking spelling, tweaking it, generating text, or creating written compositions in response to your queries. The options are: Generate text, Tweak it, and Spellcheck. You can also direct Aria how you want something written in your own words.

When using Writing Mode, are Aria’s responses saved in the regular chat history?

No, when answering a question in Writing Mode, Aria’s responses are not saved in your regular Aria chat. You can continue your writing queries in your chat history by choosing the “Continue in chat” option.

Is Writing Mode safe for my privacy?

We prioritize privacy by avoiding the handling of user data in our solutions. Protecting user information is central to our approach, ensuring it remains safe and secure.

Is Writing Mode available when using a private browsing window?

No, Writing Mode does not work when using private mode.

Aria’s Understanding Capabilities (File Uploads) (available only for Opera Developer)

What kind of files can Aria understand?

Aria can understand a wide variety of file types including:

  • Spreadsheets: .xls, .xlsx, .ods
  • Video: .mp4, .mpeg
  • Audio: .mp3
  • Text-based formats: .pdf, .csv, .txt, .json, .odt, .doc, .docx
  • And also images (as previously supported)

How do I upload a file to Aria?

Open a chat with Aria and click the paper clip icon on the right side of the chat input bar. Choose the file from your system or paste from the clipboard.

How many files can I upload at once?

You can upload up to 3 files at once.

Does Aria analyze files automatically?

No, you must provide a prompt after uploading a file. Aria will use the file as context when answering your question or completing your request.

Can you give an example of how I might use the file understanding feature?

Yes, for example, you could upload a podcast audio file and ask Aria to summarize it for you.

How long are my uploaded files stored?

If you’re logged into your Opera account, uploaded files will be deleted after one month. If you’re using Aria without an account, they will be deleted after 48 hours.

Aria’s Generation Capabilities (Downloadable Files) (available only for Opera Developer)

What kind of files can Aria generate?

Aria can generate output in the following formats that can be downloaded as files:

  • JSON (.json)
  • Text (.txt)
  • Python Script (.py)
  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • HTML (.html)
  • Portable Object (.po)
  • XML (.xml)
  • CSV (.csv)
  • XLIFF (.xlf)

How do I get Aria to generate a file?

Open a chat with Aria and request it to generate content in one of the supported formats. For example: “Write a simple JSON object with a name and age field”

Will I always have the option to download a file if my request falls into one of the supported formats?

If Aria can generate your requested output in one of those formats, it will offer a download option.

How do I download the file that Aria has generated?

Once Aria has generated the output, a download button (marked with a red arrow in the blog post) will appear near the generated text. Click it to download the file.

AI Tab Management (available only for Opera Developer)

What is AI Tab Management?

AI Tab Management allows Aria to execute fundamental tasks associated with tab management based on natural language input, such as closing tabs, organizing them into groups, and pinning tabs.

How do I open AI Tab Management in Opera Browser for desktop?

  • If you have more than five tabs open, you can right-click in the Tab Strip area and select “AI Tab Management” from the context menu.
  • You can also open Aria from one Command Line (by pressing Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/) and ask it to perform operations on tabs.

What can I do with the AI Tab Management?

You will be able to make various changes in the following areas:

  • Add tabs to the bookmarks
  • Pin tabs
  • Group tabs
  • Close tabs

Can AI Tab Management (Aria) provide recommendations?

Yes, if you use “AI Tab Management” from the context menu, you will receive predefined suggestions for tab operations you can perform.

Can I undo the changes I made?

If you confirm the changes you have made by selecting the “Keep Changes” button, it will not be possible to undo them. There is also an “Undo Changes” button before you confirm them.

Is Tab Management safe for my privacy?

Yes. We prioritize privacy by avoiding the handling of user data in our solutions (data is processed only locally). Protecting user information is central to our approach, ensuring it remains safe and secure.

Is AI Tab Management available when using a private browsing window?

No, AI Tab Management does not work when using private mode.

Aria Tab View (available only for Opera Developer)

What is Aria Tab View?

Allows you to use the Aria chat in the form of a tab in your browser, instead of the Sidebar.

How do I open Aria Tab View in Opera Browser for desktop?

The option to open Tab View is located at the top of the subpanel in the Aria Sidebar.

What can I do with the Aria Tab View?

You can use Tab View in exactly the same way as you do with Aria in the Sidebar; they have the same features.

Can I continue a conversation that I started in Aria Tab View?

Yes, if you start a conversation with Aria in the Sidebar chat after selecting Tab View, it will be moved to the new view.

Can I have multiple active tabs open at the same time and conduct conversations in each of them?

Yes, you can have multiple tabs open and engage in independent conversations with Aria in each of them.

Is Aria Tab View safe for my privacy?

Yes, we prioritize privacy and security. All policies for the Aria Tab View are consistent with those found in the Aria Sidebar.

Is Aria Tab View available when using a private browsing window?

No, Aria Tab View does not work when using private mode.

Accuracy of Responses

What are the main limitations of Aria?

As this field of technology is still in development, all applications of artificial intelligence have limitations. Most notably:

  • Aria might generate biased or harmful content since the AI’s training data and algorithms can be biased.
  • Aria may generate false, misleading, and inaccurate information, since it does not have the ability to fact-check.
  • Aria does not have access to your browser data, beyond what you submit through the input field and webpage of your current browsing in Page Context Mode.

Can I trust the information provided by Aria?

It’s important to note that, while Aria aims to be as accurate as possible, it still has limitations, such as social biases and hallucinations. When using Aria, please keep in mind that it is not a fact-checker. The responses provided are based on existing publicly available sources which could be false or biased. Because of this, it is recommended that you double-check the information provided by Aria with other sources before using or quoting it.

What is the source of knowledge for Aria?

The information provided by Aria is based on data that’s currently available on the web, and the large quantity of publicly available sources that the AI model was trained on.

AI answers are not always accurate or reliable. Artificial Intelligence might sometimes hallucinate and generate unjustified responses.

What can I do to get more accurate responses?

Here are some tips to help you achieve better results when using AI language models:

Be specific:

To increase the chance of generating relevant and helpful responses, it is important to provide detailed questions or prompts. Avoid using vague or open-ended prompts that may lead to ambiguous or irrelevant responses.

Use proper grammar and spelling:

Aria is more likely to generate accurate responses when you use proper grammar. Avoid using slang, abbreviations, or regional language.

Provide context:

Providing context for your questions or prompts can help the AI better understand what you’re asking and generate more accurate responses. If you’re seeking advice on a particular topic, give some background information about the situation.

Correct mistakes:

If Aria generates a response that contains errors or inaccuracies, you can correct it by providing feedback. This will help the model improve the answer provided.

Experiment with different prompts:

If you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, try rephrasing your questions. Sometimes, small changes can make a big difference in the quality of the responses you receive.

What is an AI hallucination?

Aria may provide inaccurate results to your input. In some cases it may hallucinate. An AI hallucination is a phenomenon in which an artificial intelligence generates unintentionally imaginative and creative outputs that are divergent from the input or training data. An AI model, such as a language model, generates responses that may not be accurate or aligned with reality, contrary to what a user asked for. This anomaly can occur as a result of limitations or biases that are present in the training data or the complexity of the AI technology itself.

Limits and Terms of Usage

Is Aria limited to an adult audience?

Yes, you need to be at least 18 years old to use Aria.

Is Aria a free service?

Yes, Aria is a free service in Opera Browser.

In which countries is Aria available?

Aria is available for use in Opera for Android and Opera Browser for desktop in most countries. However, it is currently unavailable in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (fmr. “Swaziland”), Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Iran, Laos, Libya, Macau, North Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine (specifically Crimea & LNR/DNR), Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

Do I need to have an Opera account to start using Aria?

You can chat with Aria for free, even without an Opera Account. To get a better experience and better usage limits, you can also create a free Opera Account any time and sign in

Is there a limit to the number of chats or messages per chat?

There is no specific limit to the number of chats that you can open, or the number of messages per chat. However, functionality might be impaired if you use the service excessively. If that happens, the service will be temporarily unavailable until the next day.

See also the above section for Image Generation about usage limits

Data Protection and Safety

Is Aria safe for my privacy?

Aria can only access the information that you provide in the ongoing chat. Neither the browser nor other web services can access any data that you provide to Aria. In order to ensure your privacy within Aria, it is recommended that you do not include any personal data, including personal documents, photos or other personally sensitive information in your Aria conversations. Also, it is recommended not to use Aria’s features (such as Image Understanding or Page Context Mode and other) on banking or payment provider sites, medical platforms, or other sensitive account websites. For more information on how your data is handled, please see Opera’s privacy statement (legal.opera.com/privacy).

What data does Aria have access to?

Aria can only access the information that you provide by writing in the chat, or by uploading an image. When you open a new chat, Aria cannot remember any information or data from previous conversations.

Who has access to my chats?

Conversation history is encrypted and stored on Opera’s servers for 30 days. OpenAI’s servers will also keep anonymized (not connected to your identity) parts of conversations for 30 days. Google servers don’t store anonymized (not connected to your identity) parts of conversations longer than necessary to generate a customer’s output.

None of the user’s data are used to train any AI models

In order to ensure your privacy within Aria, it is recommended that you do not include any personally sensitive information in your Aria conversations.

Can Aria learn from my interactions with it?

Aria can only learn the context of your input within a particular chat to provide the best response possible. When you open a new chat, Aria cannot remember any information or data from previous conversations. OpenAI and Google can’t use questions you provide to the chat to improve their systems.

Which laws govern the usage of my data?

As a Norwegian company, Opera is governed by Norwegian and EU laws. As such, we are GDPR-compliant and we handle user data as dictated by European laws and regulations. This is an advantage for users, as the EU and the broader European Economic Area have one of the most robust privacy protection frameworks in the world. In fact, we apply the GDPR to our internal processing across the Opera Group of companies, even in contexts where it might not apply directly to our affiliated companies outside of Europe.